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PrEazgopy Museum or Natura. History 

Number 82 June 5, 1964 New Haven, Conn. 


Beatrice R. Voce’ 

Universiry oF CoLtorapo Museum, Bounper, CoLorapo 


The distincta group of the genus Pardosa in America north 
of Mexico is a group of six closely related species. Their phy- 
letic relationship is indicated by similar color pattern and geni- 
tal morphology, and five of the six species occupy the ‘‘same” 
habitat. Five of the species, P. montgomeryi, P. orophila, P. 
utahensis, P. xerophila and P. yavapa are found in the Rocky 
Mountain states from New Mexico north through Wyoming. 
P. distincta is found throughout the Rocky Mountains, includ- 
ing Canada, and eastward to New England. While P. distincta is 
one of the most frequently encountered Pardosa species in the 
Rocky Mountains, the other five species of the group are rarely 
seen because of their size and restricted choice of habitat. This 
paper is a taxonomic review of the group. 

1 Present address: Department of Biology, Yale University, New Haven, 

2 Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 82 

The author wishes to express her deepest appreciation to Dr. 
W. J. Gertsch of the American Museum of Natural History 
for his kind help and suggestions and for the loan of specimens 
from the Museum’s collections. The author would like also to 
express her appreciation to Dr. H. G. Rodeck of the University 
of Colorado Museum and to the Graduate School of the Uni- 
versity of Colorado for their support of her research; to Dr. 
Harriet Exline (Mrs. D. L. Frizzell) for reading the manu- 
script and suggestions; to Dr. U. N. Lanham and Mr. C. J. 
McCoy for criticism of the manuscript; and to Dr. C. L. 
Remington of Yale University for assistance in its preparation 
and publication. Thanks are also extended for the loan of col- 
lecticns by: Dr. H. W. Levi of the Museum of Comparative 
Zoology at Harvard University, including paratypes of P. 
utahensis; and Dr. D. H. Lowrie of the Los Angeles State 
College of Applied Arts and Sciences. Much of the material 
examined was collected by the author during 1961-1963 for the 
University of Colorado Museum, and is cn loan to the author. 
Specimens of each of the species (except P. montgomeryi) are 
being deposited at the Yale Peabody Museum. 


The distincta group as defined here includes the following 
species: Pardosa distincta, P. montgomeryi, P. orophila, P. 
utahensis, P. xerophila; and P. yavapa. These six species are 
characterized by a distinctly light median longitudinal band on 
the dorsal side of both cephalothorax and abdomen, in at least 
the females; melanism sometimes obscures this marking in the 
males. The median band begins near the posterior end of the 
ocular quadrangle and extends caudad the length of the spider. 
The edges of the median band are rather sharply delineated 
from the bordering dark bands. There is usually a pair of 
lighter bands ectal to the dark bands on the cephalothorax, 
which are in turn bordered by dark bands, more or less narrow, 
at the edge of the carapace. Laterally, the abdomen is lighter, 
but there are no well-defined lateral bands. At the anterior end 
of the abdomen, in the median band over the heart, is a dia- 
mond-shaped mark, with its anterior corner truncated. The 
diamond is outlined in dark gray, brown or black, and its 

ser s 1964 

June 5, 1964 The distincta group of Pardosa \AN\VERSIT3. 

interior may be dark or the color of the median band. The 
males of P. distincta, P. xerophila and P. yavapa sometimes 
have enough melanism to obscure the median band, especially 
on the abdomen, but occasionally on both tagmata. Even so, the 
characteristic pattern is apparent on immature males, or in 
mature males at the beginning of their ultimate instar. 

Close similarities of genital structure also characterize the 
group. The terms used for the male palpus are the conventional 
ones, and the terms used to describe parts of the female geni- 
talia are shown in figures 1 and 2. 

The epigynum is characterized by a median guide elevated 
above the epigynal plate (that is, toward the viewer in a ventral 
view), and the basal portion of the guide is expanded for about 
14 to 24 the length of the guide. At the anterior end of the 
median guide is a small hood which extends over the guide. The 
lateral sides of the epigynum are not elevated above the abdo- 
men and the epigastric plate has no rim other than the hood. 
The openings to the internal structures are covered by the 
expanded base of the median guide. The two halves of the 
reproductive system are not connected by a common atrium. The 
darker sclerotization of the internal parts of the reproductive 
system shows through the epigastric plate, ventral view. In a 
dorsal view, the atria are above (toward the viewer) the lateral 
portions of the basal expansions of the median guide. The atria 
connect to the seminal receptacles which are at about a 45° 
angle to the longitudinal axis of the animal. Deviations are in 
P. orophila where they make a greater angle with the axis, and 
in P, yavapa where the angle is less. The seminal receptacles 
are somewhat dumbbell-shaped, and their anterior ends lie 
parallel to the longitudinal axis. 

The median apophysis of the male palpus is quite long and 
slants diagonally across the ventral side to the distal end of the 
palpus. The tip of the median apophysis turns dorsad, just over 
the edge of the cymbium. The median apophysis is more or less 
curved at the middle, or with a bulge about the middle of its 
length. There is a short hook-shaped process at the base of the 
median apophysis which is turned ventrally. The embolus is 
of moderate length, slender, and crosses the palpus at about the 
middle, at right angles to the long axis of the palpus. The tegu- 

4. Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 82 


epigynal plate 

anterior shank ; ; 
median guide 

expanded base 

internal structure 

epigastric furrow 

seminal receptacle 

fertilization duct 

Figure 1. Epigynum (diagrammatic), ventral. 
Figure 2, Epigynum (diagrammatic), dorsal. 

lum is cup-shaped and partly encircles the base cf the median 
apophysis. The patella of the pedipalp is not particularly 
enlarged, and the palpus is not conspicuously hairy. 

The spiders of the distincta group are small, with average 
length about 5 mm, but individuals of P. distincta 7 mm long 
are commonly encountered. P. distincta is found in moist hab- 
itats: marshes, stream margins or meadows which remain green. 
P. orophila, P. utahensis and P. yavapa are found generally 
on dry slopes, underneath pine trees. There is no obvious dif- 
ference in habitat preference of these species, and any of them 
may be found in suitable location within their ranges. P. yavapa 
is found alone where the pine needle litter is two or three inches 
deep, or with P. orophila or P. utahensis where the pine litter 

June 5, 1964 The distincta group of Pardosa 5 

does not prevent growth of grass or other vegetation. In 
Boulder County, Colorado, the writer has taken P. orophila 
only in the company of P. yavapa, although there sometimes 
appears to be local segregation. P. utahensis is usually found 
alone, but it may occur with P. yavapa. P. utahensis can be 
found on open prairies and under sage brush, as well as in pine 
forests. Of the four species mentioned above, P. wtahensis tole- 
rates the hottest, driest conditions. P. orophila and P. utahensis 
do not seem to occur together. Near forest streams, it is possible 
to collect P. distincta, P. utahensis and P. yavapa together, at 
least in adjacent microhabitats. The isolating mechanisms of 
the species must be ethological and mechanical. No hybrids have 
been reported, although these species have ample geographic 
and seasonal opportunity to hybridize. P. montgomeryi and 
P. xerophila are not included in the above discussion since the 
author has had no field experience with them. Dr. Gertsch states 
(personal communication) that they occupy the same dry hab- 
itat in a pine forest as does P. yavapa. Throughout the common 
range of these three species, sympatric occurrence of any two 
species is more common than solitary occurrence of a species. 
Occasionally all three occur together. 

The distincta group is closely related to several other species 
of Pardosa. P. delicatula, P. milvina, P. mulaiki and P. pauxilla 
are all small spiders and have epigyna similar to those in the 
distincta group. P. delicatula and P. milvina may be excluded 
because the palpi of the males of these two species are unlike 
the palpi of the distincta group. The palpi of males of P. 
mulaiki and P. pauwilla are similar to those of the distincta 
group, but their median apophyses are quite short, not reaching 
the edge of the cymbium. The distincta group is thus limited to 
the six species which resemble one another in the genitalia of 
both sexes, in color pattern, habitat, and frequent sympatric 

Selected measurements of the species are given in Table 1. 
The figure given is the average of measurements taken from ten 
specimens (unless otherwise noted) which were collected at the 
same time from one place. An ocular rule was used for measur- 
ing, not permitting accuracy greater than tenths of millimeters. 
Measurements of eye relationships have been omitted because 

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June 5, 1964 The distincta group of Pardosa 

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8 Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 82 

the writer feels that they are not significantly different in 
this group from the genus as a whole, and ocular placement is 
not one of the important characters in recognizing these species. 

For the same reason measurements of labium and sternum are 

It is interesting to note the effect of latitude on the size of 
P. distincta, The females in the population from about 45°N 
(Carbon County, Montana) average 0.2 mm longer and the 
males average 0.4 mm longer than those in the population from 
about 87°N (Conejos County, Colorado). The average length 
of carapace is the same for female of both groups, but the 
northern males average 0.1 mm longer carapace. The legs of 
the northern group are longer than the legs of the southern 
group: about 0.6 mm for the first three pairs of legs, and 
0.8-0.9 mm for the fourth pair. Southern males show greater 
melanism than the northern ones, being generally much darker, 
and the pattern more obscure. Western males, in general, are 
much darker than Eastern ones, especially those from New 
England. There, the males and females of P. distincta are the 
the same color. 

The colors given below, except for P. verophila, are from 
specimens kept in alcohol not more than two years. The pat- 
terns and colors are very useful in separating species, but it 
must be remembered that the colors change in alcohol. While 
there is normally no marked change for about five years, speci- 
mens older than this tend to become brownish. Reds and yellows 
are soluble in alcohol and are the first colors to change or disap- 
pear. Some of the subcutaneous white markings seem fairly per- 
manent, and the hair colors show little change. The basic pat- 
terns can still be discerned in older specimens, even though the 
colors have faded. 



1. Females 2 



June 5, 1964 The distincta group of Pardosa 


With a bright cherry red spot posterior to eyes, 
and with a mustache of white hairs on sides of 
HOVERS: 2 6g hy Sie ane ae Cte ce een Etat reanonee 

No spot of color posterior to eyes, or if present 
never cherry red, mustache not of white hairs ... 

Median band of cephalothorax tapering to nearly 
OLE at POSPELION EMG. cio) o 05% beat wu olierey oer 

Median band with parallel sides or tapering 
slishtiy but never to a point 2. on... .2.2... 55 

Heart mark on dorsal side of abdomen brown or 
gray, color darker than median band .......... 

Heart mark rosy or yellow, color not especially 
darker than median band 

Median band of abdomen posterior to heart 
consisting of paired triangles or circles; expanded 
base of median guide large, more than 14 the 
LETS ON CLETTITV (2 Rr eae ea One er eee 

Median band posterior to heart without markings ; 
expanded base of median guide not large, less 
than *5athe length of guide 23.0% ctry500 45 

Expanded base of median guide large and round, 
about 14 the length of guide; epigynal plate 

Expanded base of median guide small and round, 
about 1/3 the length of guide; epigynal plate 

Median apophysis of palp large, with strong 
longitudinal corrugations ; tip blunt and extending 
past retrolateral margin of cymbium so as to be 
conspicuous in dorsal view 

Median apophysis without strong corrugations 
and not conspicuous in dorsal view .......... 





montgomer yi 




10 Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 82 

8. With bright cherry red spot posterior to eyes: 
median apophysis with slender base and promi- 
Mont prmedian, -beIge. ¢.- acho cess cuss ate toe iale ee orophila 

No distinct color spot posterior to eyes, or if spot 
present, never bright cherry red; median 
apophysis without slender base and prominent 
median DORIS 5.21% «ac dion stars waa SEP 9 

9. Median band of cephalothorax tapering to nearly 
A POiit tk POStETiOr CNG «20 suns © eae ese ee yavapa 
Median bands of cephalothorax with parallel 

sides, or tapering slightly, but never to a point .. 10 

10. Spider mainly dark; median band on cephalo- 

thorax and abdomen not distinct ............ verophila 
Spider with light and dark bands; median band 
of cephalothorax and abdomen dist-nct ........ 11 
11. Median apophysis of palp arched anteriorly, 
without a bend at base; embolus not concealed 
byateomluni +. 2sa5 be Sean eek he Gok ae ee ee utahensis 
Median apophysis with a conspicuous bend at 
base, not arched anteriorly; embolus generally 
Comcealed “by otequluia oP ok ie selec acre were montgomeryt 

Pardosa distincta (Blackwall) 

Lycosa distincta Blackwall, J., 1846, Ann. Mag. Nat. Sci. (1) 
17:32. Marx, G., 1890, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. .12:561. 

Pardosa pallida K.merton, J. H., 1885, Trans. Conn, Acad. Arts 
Sci. 7:496; 1902, The common spiders of the United States, 
Boston:82. Peckham, G. W. 1887, J. Morph. 1:396-400, 418; 
1895, Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. Arts Let. 10:237. Marx, G., 1890. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 12:565. Banks, N., 1892, Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Phil. (1) :68; 1895, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 8:429; 1916, Proc. 
Acad Nat. Sci. Phil. 68:81 (—emertoni= distincta). Slosson, A. T., 
1898, J. N.Y. Ent. Soc. 6:248. Britcher, H. W., 1908, Proc. 

June 5, 1964 The distincta group of Pardosa 11 

Onondaga Acad. Sci. 1:129. Montgomery, T. H., 1903, Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 55:653; 1904, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 
56:267,271. Bryant, E. B., 1908, Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 
1 -OG- 

Pardosa emertoni Chamberlin, R. V., 1904, Canad. Ent. 36:175 (n. 
nov. pro pallida Emerton, praeocc.) ; 1908, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Phil. 172,190. Banks, N., 1907, Rep. Indiana Geol. Surv. 31: 
172,174,180; 1910, Nat. Hist. 29:570. Comstock, J. H., 1913, The 
spider book, New York: 651, 653, 657. Emerton, J. H., 1920, 
Trans. Roy. Canad. Inst. 12:330; 1924, Ent. News 36:12+4. 
Bishop, S. C., and C. R. Crosby, 1926, J. El. Mitch. Sci. Soc. 
41:209. Crosby, C. R., and S. C. Bishop, 1928, Cornell Univ. 
Agr. Exp. Sta., Mem. 101:1068. Chickering, A. M., 1932, Pap. 
Mich. Acad. Sci. 17:351. Chamberlin, R. V., and W. Ivie, 1933. 
Bull. Univ. Utah, 23(4):49. Kaston, B. J., 19385, J. Morph. 
ao 191-1936, Ent. Amer. (n:s;) 162103, 107: 

Lycosa pallida Franganillo, P.. 1910, Broteria 9:12 (7?) (species 
uncertain ). 

Pardosa distincta Banks, N., 1910, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 72:59 
(=pallida=emertoni). Petrunkevtich, A., 1911, Bull. Amer. Mus. 
Nat. Hist. 29:570. Crosby, C. R., and S. C. Bishop, 1928, 
Cornell Univ. Agr. Exper Sta. Mem. 101:1068. Chickering, A. 
M., 1934, Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci. 19:578. Gertsch, W. J., and 
H. K. Wallace, 1935, Amer. Mus. Novit. 749:1. Kurata, T. B., 
1937, Canad. Field Nat. 51:115. Kaston, B. J., 1938, Bull. Conn. 
Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. 60:184; 1948, Bull. Conn. Geol. Nat. 
Hist. Surv. 70:332, 333. Gertsch, W. J., and W. L. Jellison, 1939, 
mmer. Mus. Novit. 1032:3. Levi, H. W.,.and L. R. Levi, 1951, 
Zoologica 36(4) :225. Levi, H. W., and H. M. Field, 1954, Amer. 
Mid) Nat. 51(2) :455. Lowrie, D: C. and ‘W- J. Gertsch, 1955, 
Amer. Mus. Novit. 1736:5. 

Femare. Appearance in alcohol. The general appearance of the 
dorsal side of the spider is pale yellow marked with gray or brown. 
Eye region dusky to about posterior eye row. Carapace generally 
with five longitudinal bands; median band light, inner lateral bands 
dark, outer lateral bands light, with marginal dark line. Median 
band of abdomen pale yellow as on carapace, with dark grey out- 
line of diamond at anterior end. Region of diamond tending to be 
rosy or yellow ochre. Lateral bands of abdomen dark grey or brown. 
If the spider is light enough there appears another pair of pale 

12 Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 82 

outer lateral bands with indistinct edges. Ventral side of female 
pale and not conspicuously marked, except for seven dark spots on 
sternum between adjacent coxae of walking legs. Abdomen with 
two darkish lines on posterior end, extending toward spinnerets. 
Spinnerets pale. Chelicerae, palpi and legs pale and unmarked. 
Abdomen with subcutaneous patches of white pigment, especially 
noticeable on ventral side. 

Epigynum. (figs. 5, 6) Anterior shank of median guide fairly 
stout and straight-sided. Expanded base about 2/3 the length of 
guide, with rounded shoulders convex anteriorly. Hood with straight 
posterior edge and cordate anterior edge. 

Mate. Appearance in alcohol. The male ranges in color from that 
of the female, especially in eastern North America, to nearly com- 
pletely black, in the southern Rocky Mountains. A pale male has. 
in addition to the markings of the female, a dark V on the sternum 
and the seven spots between coxae are larger and more conspicuous. 
Palpi pale, but clothed with darker hairs. Ventral abdominal lines 
extending farther anteriorly and heavier than in the female. Distal 
end of first metatarsus sometimes with dark ring. A dark male, the 
longitudinal bands of the carapace almost entirely obscured. Median 
band reduced to a brownish patch at posterior end of carapace, and 
outer lateral bands reduced to brownish patches; carapace otherwise 
black. Abdomen dark grey, but black outline of heart and two black 
bands lateral to median band discernible. Sternum entirely black or 
light with black blotches. Femora black with an irridescent blue 
sheen; more distal segments light or varyingly marked with black. 
Melanism seems to be a secondary sexual character, since the imma- 
ture males resemble the females in color. The males of P. distincta 
are the most often variable in color of the species in the distincte 
group, color being dependent on geography and probably on age 
of instar. Some populations have males with all degrees of melanism. 

Paxpus. (figs. 17, 20) Palpus with large median apophysis slant- 
ing diagonally across to distal end of palpus, and extending over 
edge of cymbium. Median apophysis with conspicuous bend in the 
middle of its length and conspicuous longitudinal corrugations. Tip 
of median apophysis turning dorsad. Terminal apophysis a small 
pointed process. Tegulum rather deeply cut out around base of 
median apophysis. Embolus with base near anterior end of bulb, 
extending caudad, turning to cross bulb at right angles to its long 
axis, tip hidden behind median apophysis. 

June 5, 1964 The distincta group of Pardosa 13 

Diagnosis: The corrugations on the median apophysis distin- 
guish P. distincta from all other members of the group. The rounded 
anterior lobes on the expanded base of the median guide of the 
epigynum serve to distinguis’ the female from all other members 
of the group. Some of the males of P. distincta may superficially 
resemble P. sternalis, which is also quite black, but the palpi are 
clearly different. The embolus of P. sternalis is strongly bowed in 
an anterior direction as it crosses the bulb, and in P. distincta the 
embolus is straight. 

Type locality: Vicinity of Toronto, Canada. ( ? ) 

Distribution: Pardosa distincta occurs throughout the Rocky 
Mountains from Arizona and New Mexico north into Alberta; 
eastward across north central United States and Canada, and in 
the New England states. 

Data from material examined: COLORADO. Boulder Co.: numerous 
localities. Chaffee Co.: O’Haver L., 11,000’, Sawatch Mts., 5 July; Cotton- 
wood L., 9800’, Sawatch Mts., 10 July. Conejos Co.: 7 mi. W. Antonito, 9 
July; 23 mi. W. Antonito, 9 July. Custer Co.: Beaver Crk. Springs, 3 mi. 
E. Pringle, 7 Aug.; Lake Crk., 9000’, Sangre de Cristo Mts., 1-3 Aug.; 
Sangre de Cristo Mts., 12 July. Douglas Co.: Cherry Crk., at Colo. Hwy. 
83, 26 Apr. Eagle Co.: 3 mi. NE. Dowd, 29 July. Fremont Co.: Hayden Crk., 
7900’, Sangre de Cristo Mts., 11 July. Gilpin Co.: Lump Gulch, 1 Aug. 
Grand Co.: 1 mi. E, Fraser, 20 June; Troublesome Crk., 11 July. Gunnison 
Co.: numerous localities. Hinsdale Co.: 45 mi. W. Creede, 10,000’, 16 July; 
San Cristobal L., 9200’, San Juan Mts., 2 Aug.; 3 mi. E, Slumgullion Pass, 
12,000’, 6 July; Lake Fork of Gunnison R., 13 mi, SW. Lake City, 12,000’, 
7 July; 6 mi. SE. Lake City, 12,800’, 29 June, Jackson Co.: 5 mi. S, Walden, 
11 July. Jefferson Co.: 10 mi. SE. Bailey, 12 June. Laramie Co.: Laramie 
R. Valley, Medicine Bow Mts., July. Mesa Co.: 7 mi. S. Glade Park, 21 
June; Mud Sprgs., Pinyon Mesa, 8 June, 22 June. Mineral Co.: Creede, 
9000’, 8 July; North of Creede, July. Montrose Co.: Buckeye Res., 5 mi. 
NE. Paradox, 19 May, 24 June, Park Co.: 5 mi. W. Bailey, U.S. 85, 8 July; 
14 mi. E. Fairplay, 26 July; 12 mi. E. Fairplay, U.S. 85, 9 July; 3 mi. W. 
Fairplay, U. S. 85, 9 July. Routt Co.: 4 mi, SW. Gore Pass, Colo. 84, 21 
June. Saguache Co.: Cocheto a Creek, 24 mi. SE. Gunnison, 10,700’, 27 
June; 5 mi. E. Cochetopa Pass, 11,000’, 10 July, San Miguel Co.: Telluride, 
11,400’, 20 July; 10 mi, N. Sawpit, 20 May. Summit Co.: Frisco, 18 July; 
1 mi. W. Frisco. 25 July. CONNECTICUT, New Haven Co.: Branford. 
MASSACHUSETTS. Barnstable Co.: Wellfleet, 28-31 Aug. Middlesex Co, 
MINNESOTA. Polk Co.: 8 mi, SE Warren (Marshall Co.), 5 July. MON- 
TANA. Carbon Co.: East Rosebud Canyon, numerous collections, NEW 
MEXICO. Rio Arriba Co. Sandoval Co.: Jemez Mts. SOUTH DAKOTA. 
County not given. Spring Creek, 11 mi. NE. Hill City, 29 June. UTAH. 
San Juan Co.: W. of Buckeye Reservoir (Montrose Co., Colo), 26 June. 
VERMONT. Windham Co.: S. Newfane, 17-26 June; Jamaica, 11 July. 
WYOMING. Fremont Co.: Twin Butte, 15 mi, NNE Pavillion, 7900’, 6 
June. Teton Co.: Jackson Hole, numerous collections, late June—August. 

14 Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 82 
Pardosa montgomeryi Gertsch 

Pardosa montgomeryi Gertsch, W. J., 1934, Amer. Mus. Novit. 
698 :24. Gertsch, W. J., and H. K. Wallace, 1935, Amer. Mus. 
Novit. 794:3. 

Fematre. Appearance in alcohol. Carapace generally glabrous. 
Median band and outer lateral bands yellow ochre. Inner lateral 
bands sienna brown marked with small wedges of dark brown with 
their bases at outer edge of band. Median band expanded posterior 
to eyes into a pair of rounded lobes. Thin dark lines border lobes in 
lateral dark band. Median band with two indistinct finger-like 
anterior extensions to middle of ocular quadrangle. Eye region dark 
sienna brown. Clypeus and sides of face yellow ochre, continuing 
without demarcation to outer lateral bands. Carapace edged with 
thin dark line. Abdomen with unbroken pale yellow or whitish 
median band and two dark grey lateral] bands extending around 
sides of abdomen. Median band marked with a sienna diamond over 
heart, edged in grey. Dorsal sides of legs vellow ochre, femora 
marked with broken brown annulations. Ventral side paler than 
dorsal side, immaculate, except for subcutaneous patches of white 
in the abdomen. 

Erieynum: (figs. 7, 8) Expanded base of median guide 1/3 to 
14 length of guide, tapering smoothly but fairly abruptly to anterior 
shank. Anterior shank thin and tapering anteriorly. Hood extending 
slightly over anterior end of median guide. From the posterior 
corners of hood, two arms extend caudad, parallel to sides of 
anterior shank. These arms are not always distinct. Sometimes, in 
addition, a pair of arms extend from the anterior corners of hood 
parallel to the anterior edge of epigastric plate, that is, perpendic- 
ular to posterior arms and main axis of the spider. Again these are 
not always distinct. Sides of expanded base convex, so that the 
posterior end is not the widest part. Epigynal plate wider than 
long with lateral lobes pointing laterally. 

Mate: Appearance in alcohol. Carapace of male slightly hir- 
sute, median band yellow ochre to raw sienna, anterior end in 
middle of ocular quadrangle, widest posterior to eves, and tapering 
slightly at posterior edge of carapace. Head glabrous, shiny, eye 
region dark brown to black. Inner lateral bands burnt sienna, with 
darker wedges pointing medially. Outer lateral bands vellow ochre 

June 5, 1964 The distincta group of Pardosa 15 

or raw sienna with dark line at edge of carapace. Abdomen with 
median band yellow ochre or light yellow. Diamond mark over heart 
more than half the length of abdomen, raw sienna or brown edged 
with dark grey. Sides dark brown or grey. Legs yellowish, femora 
darker, especially on first legs. Ventral side yellow, unmarked. 
except subcutaneous white patches on abdomen. Face, chelicerae and 
palpi brown. 

Paupus: (Figs. 18, 21) Median apophysis moderately stout, 
bending strongly near base, elongate. with tip turning dorsad and 
resting on retrolateral margin of cymbium. A short stout spine 
at base of median apophysis turning ventrally. Embolus concealed 
behind tegulum. Terminal apophysis indistinct. 

Diagnosis: P. montgomeryi resembles P. xerophila with which 
it is sympatric and P. utahensis with which it is probably allopatric. 
Females of P. montgomeryi have a much smaller expanded base of 
the median guide than do females of P. utahensis. The heart mark- 
ing of P. montgomeryi is dark and the heart marking of P. 
verophila is light. The females of these two species may also be 
distinguished by the shape of the epigynal plate. The epigynal plate 
of P. montgomeryi is wider than long with lateral lobes pointing 
laterally. The epigynal plate of P. xerophila is longer than wide 
and lateral lobes point anteriorly. The males of P. montgomeryi 
have a distinct light median band on the abdomen, by which they 
are easily separated from P. xerophila, which is marked with a dark. 
indistinct median band on the abdomen. Males of P. montgomery? 
are distinguished from P. utahensis by the median apophysis which 
bends at the base in P. montqomeryi but arches anteriorly in P. 

Type locality: Given as Edinburg, Hidalgo Co., Texas, but 
this is undoubtedly incorrect and should be Camp Mary White. 
Otero Co., New Mexico (Gertsch, pers. comm.). ( ¢ ) 

Distribution: Arizona, New Mexico, Durango. Probably not 
Texas. (fig. 4.) 

Data from material examined: ARIZONA. Apache Co.: White Mts., 
17 mi. NE. White River, 8-10 July. Cochise Co.: Rustler’s Park, Chirica- 
uhua Mts., 3 July, 1 Aug. Coconino Co.: Flagstaff, July, NEW MEXICO. 
Otero Co.: Camp Mary White, 9-12 Aug. Sandoval Co.: Jemez Mts. 

16 Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 82 

Pardosa orophila Gertsch 

Pardosa orophila Gertsch, W. J., 1938, Amer. Mus. Novit. 636:28. 
(n. sp.) Gertsch, W. J., and H. K. Wallace, 1937, Amer. Mus. 
Novit. 919:3 (=P. yavapa Gertsch and Wallace, non Chamberlin). 

Pardosa yavapa (non Chamberlin) Gertsch, W. J., and H. K. 
Wallace, 1935, Amer. Mus. Novit., 749: fig. 9. Gertsch, W. J., 
1935, Amer. Mus. Novit. 792.:18 (part). 

Femate. Appearance in alcohol. Pardosa orophila is the most 
brightly colored spider of the distincta group. Ocular region dark 
brown across first two eye rows and between lateral eyes of second 
and third eye rows. Brown extending posteriorly and continuing as 
inner lateral bands. Median band beginning near second eye row, 
having either a straight anterior edge, or with two rounded lobes, 
and passing posteriorly to end of carapace. Posterior to third eye 
row it broadens out forming a round spot which is a bright cherry 
red. Median band constricted posterior to spot, then flaring slightly 
and tapering to posterior end of carapace. Color gradually changing 
from cherry red spot to yellow at posterior end. Inner lateral bands 
uniform dark brown, rather wide and with distinct edges. Narrow 
outer lateral bands yellow with broad brown line at margin of 
carapace. Median band of abdomen composed of several patches of 
color, all lighter than lateral bands. Heart marking light brown or 
rust, edged with dark brown. Two yellow diamonds lateral to ante- 
rior end of heart marking edged with brown. Lateral to posterior 
end of heart marking are two triangles edged with brown. Five or 
six pairs of triangles continue to spinnerets. The center of each 
triangle has a small dark spot bearing a thick dark hair. In older 
specimens this pattern gives the appearance of a light median band 
with transverse dark markings. Spider entirely clothed with light 
grey hair. Legs often quite red, especially patellae and tibiae, with 
irregular dark annulations. Legs also quite hairy, with conspicuous 
spines on dorsal sides of femora. Ventral side of female yellow, 
sternum marked with dark color, but with yellow median line. 
Coxae immaculate, yellow. Ventral side of legs generally dark. 
Abdomen yellow with a pair of darker lines running longitudinally, 
but they are not conspicuous since abdomen is clothed with light 
hairs. Clypeus red, as are sides of face below eyes. There is a 
“mustache” of white hairs on both sides of the face beginning 
posterior to first eye row and extending to the posterior eye row. 
The mustache is also found on immature males and females. 

June 5, 1964 The distincta group of Pardosa i 

Epigynum. (figs. 9, 10) Expanded base of median guide about 
1/3 the length of guide, with a small square posterior end. Two 
round lobes at anterior corners of expanded base, extending past 
base of anterior shank and lateral to it. Anterior shank with short 
narrow base, expanding anteriorly to form a large saddle-shaped 
platform. The platform is not quite twice as large as the expanded 
base. Shank not continuing anteriorly past the concave anterior edge 
of platform. Hood narrow, long and pointed posteriorly, over- 
lapping raised platform slightly. 

Mate. (Not previously described) Appearance in alcohol. Median 
band of carapace beginning between second and third eye rows, 
expanding to a round spot posterior to eyes, and tapering to pos- 
terior end. Round spot bright cherry red, median band gradually 
changing to yellow ochre at posterior end. Eye region surrounding 
median band and wide inner lateral bands dark brown. Median band 
and inner lateral bands clothed with brown hair. Narrow outer 
lateral bands of carapace yellow and edged with wide dark band at 
margin. Abdomen with light median band composed of patches of 
color and lateral bands dark brown. Median band ranges from 
yellow to red. Heart area marked with brown diamond, edged with 
dark brown or dark grey. Two pairs of yellow or red diamonds or 
triangles edged with dark color, lateral to heart marking. Median 
band posterior to heart marking composed of five or six paired 
triangles of yellow or yellow ochre, edged with dark color. The 
center of each triangle with a small dark spot bearing a thick 
dark hair. Paired triangles separated by bands of red or brown. 
Abdomen clothed with yellowish or brownish hair. Dorsal side of 
legs red, especially patellae and tibiae, with irregular dark annula- 
tions, femora dark brown. Ventral surface of male light. Sternum 
brown with yellow median Line. Center of abdomen vellow or rusty 
with dark patch in genital region. Ventral side of femora uniformly 
dark, all other segments light including coxae. Clypeus and sides 
of face below eyes red, and “white mustache’ found on the female 
is brown and inconspicuous in male. Chelicerae and endites red 
marked with brown, palpi uniformly dark brown. 

Paps. (figs. 19, 22) Palpus somewhat long and narrow. Median 
apophysis extending diagonally across bulb toward distal end. tip ot 
median apophysis turning dorsad and caudad at edge of cymbium. 
Base of median apophysis wide, but constricting greatly after leaving 
tegulum. Anterior edge of median apophysis straight, posterior edge 
convex, forming a large bulge in middle. Tip slender but tapered 

18 Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 82 

only at end. Base of median apophysis bearing short hook-shaped 
process. Tegulum not especially enlarged, not overhanging cymbium. 
Embolus beginning at anterior end of bulb, extending caudad to 
tegulum, then turning laterally across palpus dorsal to median 
apophysis. Terminal apophysis a blunt wedge at base of embolus 
and not extending to midline of palpus. 

Diagnosis: The cherry red spot posterior to the eyes usually 
serves to distinguish adults of P. orophila from other species in the 
distincta group. The epigynum of the female is characterized by the 
saddle-shaped platform of the anterior shank of the median guide. 
The palpus is characterized by the basal constriction and posterior 
bulge of the median apophysis. Immature specimens of P. orophila 
may be separated from P. yavapa by the white mustache on the 
sides of the face below the eves. It is almost the only character 
which will separate immature members of the two species and is 
found on both immature males and females of P. orophila. 

Type locality: Boulder Canyon, Boulder Co., Colorado. ( 2 ) 

Distribution: Arizona. New Mexico, and eastern side of Rocky 
Mountains in Colorado. (fig. 3). 

Data from material examined: ARIZONA, Cochise Co.: Southwestern 
Research Station, 5 mi. W. Portal, 6-20 July, 5-15 Aug.: 7 mi. W. Portal, 
4 Aug. Coconino Co.: Flagstaff, nr. base of Sunset Peak, 17 Aug. COLO- 
RADO. Boulder Co.: Eldorado Springs, 12-13 May, 4 Aug.; 5 mi. NW. 
Boulder, 7000’, 8 May, 26 May, 2 June, 8 June,; Boulder, 12 March. Custer 
Co.: Smith Creek, 7 mi, SW. Wetmore, 10 Aug. Fremont Co.: 8 mi. W. 
Canyon City, 4 Aug. Huerfano Co,: Dog Springs Arroyo, 16-19 June; 2 mi. 
N. Gardner, 16 June. Jefferson Co.: Plainview, 6 Apr., 20 Apr., 18 May, 
27 May, 9 June. NEW MEXICO. Bernalillo Co.: Sandia Mts. Lincoln Co.: 
(two localities) Sandoval Co.: Jemez Mts. MEXICO, CHIHUAHUA. 10 mi. 
W. Namiquipa, 3 July; Sammil, W. Primavera, 7000’, 2 July. DURANGO: 
Otinapa, 7500’, 7 Aug.; Palos Colorados, 8000’, 5 Aug.; Puentes, 7500’, 23 
July; Otinapa 8200’, 12 Aug. 

Pardosa utahensis Chamberlin 

Pardosa utahensis Chamberlin, R. V., 1919, Ann. Ent. Soe. Amer. 
12:258 (n. sp.) Gertsch, W. J., 19384, Amer. Mus. Novit. 693 :23 

(=distincta). Gertsch, W. J., and H. K. Wallace, 1935, Amer. 
Mus. Novit. 794:1, 3 (=4distincta). Levi, H. W. and L. R. Levi, 
1951, Zoologica 36:225. Lowrie, D. C. and W. J. Gertsch, 1955, 

Amer. Mus. Novit. 1736:5. 


June 5, 1964 The distincta group of Pardosa 19 


a P. orophila 

@® P.utahensis 

Figure 3. Distribution of P. orophila and P. utahensis. In Colorado the 
symbols represent county records, elsewhere they are usually 
single collections. 

Fremate. Appearance in alcohol. Carapace marked with five longi- 
tudinal bands. Median band yellow or peach colored, beginning at 
posterior eye row, bulging slightly posterior to eves, extending 
posteriorly to end of carapace with parallel sides. Inner lateral 
bands dark brown, with well-defined edges, outer lateral bands 
yellow with dark line at carapace margin. Ocular region brown, 
clothed with grey hair. Median band of abdomen vellow or yellow 
ochre. A brown or rust diamond outlined with dark grey marking the 

20 Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 82 

heart area. Median band posterior to heart area with scalloped 
edges, and composed of indistinct paired circles. At the center of 
each circle is a dark spot bearing a thick dark hair. Lateral bands 
of abdomen brown becoming lighter at lateral edges. Abdomen 
clothed with light hair. Dorsal side of legs tan, noticeably hairy and 
spiny. Ventral side of spider yellow, immaculate, but clothed with 
long black hair especially on sternum and legs. Face yellow. 

Epicynvum. (figs. 11, 12) Expanded base of median guide about 
2/3 the length of guide. Expanded base flaring slightly from pos- 
terior edge for nearly its length, then tapering abruptly to anterior 
shank. Anterior shank wide adjacent to expanded base and tapering 
to a narrow stem at anterior end, usually causing a secondary pair of 
shoulders on the median guide. Hood rounded on posterior margin, 
and often trilobed. Anterior edge of hood not raised above epigynal 

Mate. Appearance in alcohol. Carapace and dorsum of abdomen 
similar to female. Median band tends to be darker, sometimes with 
a rusty spot posterior to eyes. Legs brown and hairy. Ventral side 
pale, or darker than female. Sternum sometimes with dark blotches. 
Clypeus, sides of face and chelicerae yellow or brown. Palpi dark 

Patpus. (figs. 23, 26) Median apophysis extending diagonally 
across bulb toward distal end, tip of median apophysis turning 
dorsad and slightly caudad at edge of cymbium. Median apophysis 
with bulge at midsection and arching anteriorly. Base of median 
apophysis with hook-shaped process turning ventrally. Tegulum 
wider than long, with an anterior bulge at middle of its anterior 
edge covering base of median apophysis. Terminal apophysis a short 
blunt hook. 

Diagnosis: The females of P. utahensis resemble those of 
P. distincta. P. utahensis is a darker yellow, and the median band 
on the abdomen is darker than the median band on the carapace. 
In P. distincta the median band is the same color on both tagmata. 
The epigyna will usually separate the two species. In P. utahensis 
the anterior edge of the expanded base of the median guide tapers 
to the anterior shank, and in P. distincta the anterior edge is convex 
anteriorly, forming a pair of shoulders. In P. utahensis the anterior 
shank usually has a secondary pair of shoulders which P. distincta 
lacks. The epigynum of P. utahensis cannot always be distinguished 
from that of P. yavapa. The shape of the median band on the 

June 5, 1964 The distincta group of Pardosa 21 

carapace will separate females. In P. utahensis the median band 
has parallel sides at the posterior end, and in P. yavapa it tapers 
to a point. This same character is also used to separate males of 
the two species, which, again, cannot always be separated by their 
palpi. The male of P. utahensis can be distinguished from other 
males of the distincta group by the anterior arch of the median 
apophysis of the palpus. P. utahensis is probably allopatric with 
P. montgomeryi and P. xerophila and is clearly separable by 
genitalia from these 2 species. 

Type locality: Chalk Creek, Summit Co., Utah. ( 9 ) 

Distribution: Utah, Colorado, Wyoming as far north as Yellow- 
stone Park. (fig. 3) 

Data from material examined. COLORADO. Alamosa Co.: Mosca 
Pass, 9300’, Sangre de Cristo Mts., 8 July. Boulder Co.: 4 mi. SW. Boulder, 
11 May, 3-4 June, 19 June; 3 mi, NW. Ward, 27 July; 2 mi. S. Ward, 6 
Aug, 8 Aug.; 4 mi. W. Jamestown, 6 Aug. Chaffee Co.: O’Haver L., 11,000’, 
Sawatch Mts., 10 July; Cottonwood Crk., 10,000’, Sawatch Mts., 5 July. 
Conejos Co.: 7 mi, W. Antonito, 9 July. Custer Co.: Lake Crk., Sangre de 
Cristo Mts., 12 July. Eagle Co.: 10 mi. N Wolcott, 21 June. Grand Co.: 
Troublesome Crk., 11 July; 2 mi. W. Parshall, 12 July. Gunnison Co.: 1 mi. 
S. Gunnison, 7600’, 12 Aug.; Crested Butte, 9000’, 8 Aug.; Taylor Res., 
12,000’, 29 June. Hinsdale Co.: 40 mi. W. Creede, 9600’, 16 July; 45 mi. W. 
Creede, 10,000’, 16 July; 1 mi. S. Spring Crk. Pass, 6 July; San Cristobal 
L., 9200’, 2 Aug. Jackson Co.; 5 mi. S. Walden, 11 July, Lake Co.: W. of 
Twin Lakes, 11,000’, 24 July. Mesa Co.: 7 mi. S. Glade Park, 21 June; 
Grand Junction, June, July; Grand Mesa, June, July. Mineral Co.: Creede, 
9000’, 8 July. Montrose Co.: Buckeye Res, 5 mi. NW. Paradox, 19 May, 29 
June, Park Co.: 2 mi. E. Fairplay, 29 Aug. Saguache Co.: Gold Basin Rd., 
10 mi. S. Gunnison, 8200’, 18 June; 5 mi. E. Cochetopa Pass, 10 July. 
UTAH. Garfield Co.: 9-step Crk., Aquarius Plateau, 17 Aug. San Juan Co.: 
W. of Buckeye Res, (Montrose Co., Colo.), 25 June. Sevier Co.: Fish Lake, 
1 July. Summit Co.: Chalk Creek, 8000’ (paratype), date unknown; Mill 
Creek, Uinta Mt., 21 Aug. County not given. Wildcat Ranger Sta. 15 mi. 
N. Boulder, 2 July. WYOMING. Carbon Co.: 5 mi. EK. Medicine Bow, 
29 June. Fremont Co.: Twin Buttes, 15 mi. NE. Pavillion, 6 June. Teton 
Co.: Many localities in Jackson Hole, late July—early Aug. Washakie Co.: 
11 mi. SW. Worland, 14 July. 

Pardosa xerophila Vogel, new species 

Frema.e. Appearance in alcohol. Dorsal side of carapace with 
five longitudinal bands. Eye region dark brown. Median band yellow 
ochre, beginning in middle of ocular quadrangle and extending to 
posterior edge of carapace. Median band parallel-sided. Inner lateral 
bands brown with dark brown wedges, their bases on lateral edge 
of band. Outer lateral bands yellow ochre. Carapace edged with 

22 Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 82 

black. Dorsum of abdomen with yellow median band. Heart marked 
with diamond more than 1% the length of abdomen. Diamond yellow 
or peach, edged with dark gray trailing posteriorly. Lateral bands 
brown or gray and narrow so that yellow of sides shows dorsally. 
Lateral margin of lateral bands not distinct. Dorsal sides of legs 
yellow ochre, spiney, and clothed with fine brown hair. Distal ends 
of fourth tibiae brown. Ventral side yellow, unmarked except for 
subcutaneous white patches on abdomen. Face dark brown above 
first eye row. Clypeus and sides of face pale yellow. Chelicerae 
yellow ochre, unmarked. Spines on ventral side of tibia I 2-2-2. 
The distal pair is about 1/3 the length of the other pairs of spines. 

Epigynum. (Figs. 13, 14). Epigynal plate longer than wide. 
Expanded base of median guide about 1/3 the length of guide, with 
rounded anterior shoulders, flat base. Anterior shank thin, long, 
and tapering anteriorly. Hood small thick crescent at end of median 


Mate. Appearance in alcohol. Carapace of male glabrous, almost 
uniformly chestnut brown, median and outer lateral bands only 
slightly lighter. Median band lobed posterior to posterior eye row 
as in female. Posterior portion of median band with dark hastate 
mark, and parallel-sided. Inner lateral bands marked with dark 
wedges as in female, their bases forming the ectal margin of inner 
lateral bands. Outer lateral bands little lighter than inner lateral 
bands, but fairly wide and with dark border at carapace margin. 
Abdomen fairly uniform in color, with no particular separation into 
median and lateral bands. Color dark grey overlaid on yellow, which 
shows through as pockmarks. Heart marked with brown diamond 
outlined in dark grey, median band continuing posteriorly as a row 
of overlapping triangles, outlined in grey, their apices pointing ante- 
riorly. Ventral side of spider light. Sternum golden yellow and 
venter with dark markings in genital region. Abdomen with sub- 
cutaneous patches of white pigment. Clypeus, sides of face and 
chelicerae chestnut, but chelicerae streaked with yellow.  Palpi 

Paupus. (figs. 24, 27). Median apophysis extending across bulb 
at right angles to long axis, and turning dorsad over edge of cym- 
bium. Median apophysis somewhat stout and with a bulge at middle 
of its posterior edge. Embolus short, extending caudad from its ante- 
rior base, turning across bulb but not extending to median apophysis. 
Terminal apophysis lacking distinctive shape. Tegulum somewhat 
flattened posteriorly and bulging on side away from median apophysis. 

June 5, 1964 The distincta group of Pardosa 23 

Diagnosis: P. xerophila may resemble P. distincta and P. 
utahensis but is probably allopatric to them. Genitalia will serve to 
separate P. verophila from these two species. P. xerophila and P. 
montgomeryi are usually sympatric and are difficult to separate. 
The females of P. werophila have a light mark over the heart and 
P. montgomeryi have a dark mark. The epigynum of P. xerophila is 
usually longer, the anterior shank longer in proportion to the base, 
and the lateral lobes of the epigynal plate point anteriorly. The 
lateral lobes ot the epigynal plate of P. montgomeryi point laterally. 
The males of P. xerophila are dark and have the median band of 
the abdomen obscured which separates them from males of P. mont- 
gomeryi in which the median band of the abdomen is light and 
distinct. Males of P. xerophila can be distinguished from P. yavapa 
by the shape of the median band of carapace which tapers to a 
point in P. yavapa, but has parallel sides in P. xerophila. The palpi 
are distinct. 

Type: Female holotype from White Mountain Reservoir, east 
of McNary, Apache Co., Arizona, 8 July 1940 (leg. W. J. Gertsch). 
Four paratypes, females, same data as the holotype; holotype and 
3 paratypes in the American Museum of Natural History, 1 para- 
type in the Yale Peabody Museum. 

Distribution: Arizona, New Mexico, Chihuahua, Durango. 
(fig. 4) 

Data from material examined: ARIZONA. Apache Co.: 
White Mt. Res., E. of McNary, 8 July 1940. NEW MEXICO. 
Otero Co.: Camp Mary White, 9-12 Aug. Sandoval Co.: Jemez Mts. 

Pardosa yavapa Chamberlin 

Pardosa yavapa Chamberlin, R. V., 1925, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 
67:231 (n. sp.). Gertsch, W. J., 1934, Amer. Mus. Novit. 693 :24 
(=saniuana) ; 19385, Amer. Mus. Novit. 792:18 (part). Gertsch, 
W. J., and H. K. Wallace, 19385, Amer. Mus. Novit. 794:3. 

Pardosa saniuana Chamberlin, 1928, Canad. Ent., 60:94 (n. sp.). 

Fremate. Appearance in alcohol. Median band of carapace begin- 
ning at posterior row of eyes, sometimes with anterior projections. 
bulging posterior to eyes forming a round spot, constricting then 
bulging laterally again, and tapering to nearly a point at posterior 
margin of carapace. Median band sienna anteriorly, changing to 

24 Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 82 

| / 
| Q P-montgomeryi 



| @ P.yavapa 

Figure 4. Distribution of P. montgomeryi, P, xerophila and P. yavapa. 
In Colorado the symbols represent county records, elsewhere 
they are usually single collections, 

yellow ochre posteriorly. Eye region rich dark brown and glabrous. 
Inner lateral bands rich dark brown and wide, extending nearly to 
carapace edge. Outer lateral bands lighter and broken by patches of 
dark brown, or entirely obscured. Median band on abdomen light 
and composed of sienna or rust colored patches. Heart area marked 
with brown diamond outlined in black. Paired diamonds or triangles 
outlined in black posterior and lateral to heart. The center of each 
triangle with dark spot bearing a thick dark hair. Lateral abdominal 

June 5, 1964 The distincta group of Pardosa 25 

bands dark gray over rust, giving brown appearance. Dorsal side of 
legs sienna with dark gray annulations on all segments. Ventral 
side of spider more or less light. Sternum and abdomen may be 
marked with dark blotches. Coxae often yellow. Annulations on legs 
may extend to ventral side. Clypeus sienna or rust, sides of face 
brown, chelicerae and palpi marked with dark brown. 

Epicgynvo: (figs. 15, 16) Expanded base of median guide usually 
less than half the length of guide. Posterior edge of expanded base 
straight, sides bulging slightly. Anterior shank constricting anterior 
to expanded base, bulging and constricting just posterior to hood. 
The bulge in the anterior shank is supported by a ramp to the 
epigynal plate. The sides of the ramp taper from the shank to the 
epigynal plate. The overall appearance of the median guide is a 
somewhat distorted hourglass. Hood roughly a trapezoid. 

Mate. Appearance in alcohol. Carapace dark and glabrous. 
Median band dark chestnut with the same shape as in female, 
tapering to nearly a point at posterior edge of carapace. Inner 
lateral bands mahogany, extending to edge of carapace, completely 
obscuring outer lateral bands. Ocular region mahogany and glabrous. 
Pattern on abdomen often more or less obscured, heart area a rich 
red-brown outlined with dark grey. Dorsal side of legs light or 
dark with indistinct annulations. Ventral side of spider more or 
less marked with dark grey, coxae usually yellow. Face and cheli- 
cerae mahogany, except for median anterior edges of chelicerae 
which are yellow. Palpi mahogany. 

Paxpus. (figs. 25, 28) Median apophysis of palpus not strongly 
diagonal as it crosses bulb; tip turning dorsad and slightly caudad 
at edge of cymbium; quite thick at midsection, and tapering to a 
stout point at tip; base bearing hook-shaped process turning caudad. 
Tegulum covering less than one quadrant of bulb, having a nearly 
square corner at center of bulb. Embolus extending in posterior 
direction, then turning across bulb dorsal to median apophysis. 
Terminal apophysis indistinct. 

Diagnosis: The shape of the median apophysis of the male 
palpus of P. yavapa distinguishes it from all other males of the 
distincta group except P. utahensis. The “hourglass” shape of the 
median guide of the epigynum distinguishes the female of P. yavapa 
from other females except P. utahensis. In both sexes these two 
species can be separated by the shape of the median band on the 

26 Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 82 

carapace. In P. yavapa the sides of the posterior part of the median 
band taper to nearly a point, and in P. utahensis the sides of the 
median band are parallel. 

Type locality: Yavapai Co., Arizona (stomach of toad) ( 2 ) 

Distribution: Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado. (fig. 4). 

Data from material examined. ARIZONA. Cochise Co.: Barfoot Peak, 
6 July, 1 Aug., 22 Aug.; Rustler’s Park, 3 July; Carr Cyn., Huachuca Mts. 
22 July, 31 July; Promontory Butte, 1 Sept.; Mt. Lemmon, W110.45, N32.25, 
21 May. Coconino Co.: N. Rim Grand Canyon, 15 July. Pima Co.: Summer 
Haven, 21 May, 14 July, COLORADO. Alamosa Co.: Mosca Pass, 9300’, 
Sangre de Cristo Mts., 8 July. Archuleata Co.: Piedra, 7000’, 21 July. 
Boulder Co.: Eldorado Springs, 13 May, 20 May, 3 Aug.; 4 mi. SW. 
Boulder, 11 May, 4 June, 19 June; Boulder, 14 March, 19 March, 7 May; 
4 mi. NW. Boulder, 7000’, 30 April, 8 May, 26 May, 2 June, 8 June; 3 mi, 
SW Altona, 4 Aug. Chaffee Co.: O’Haver L., 11,000’, Sawatch Mts., 10 July; 
Maysville, 14 Aug. Custer Co.: Smith Crk., 7 mi. SW. Wetmore, 10 Aug.; 
Alvarado Creek, 11,000’, 12 July; Lake Creek, Sangre de Cristo Mts., 12 
July; Sangre de Cristo Mts., 12 July. Douglas Co.: Devil’s Head, 8000’, 15 
July. Fremont Co,: Hayden Creek, 7900’ Sangre de Cristo Mts, 11 July. 
Gunnison Co.: Crystal Cyn., Elk Mts., 9500-11,000’, 3 Aug. Jefferson Co.: 
10 mi. SE. Bailey, 6900’, 12 June; Plainview, 18 May, 27 May, 9 June. 
Mesa Co.: 17 mi, NE, Gateway, 23 June. Mineral Co.: West Fork Crk., 
7800’, 20 July. Montrose Co.: N. rim of Black Canyon of the Gunnison R., 
29 July; Buckeye Res. 5 mi. NW. Paradox, 26-28 June. Sagauche Co.: 5 mi, 
FE. Cochetopa Pass, 10,000’, 10 July. NEW MEXICO. Bernalillo Co.: Sandia 
Mts.; Cienega Cyn., Sandia Mts, Lincoln Co. Rio Arriba Co. Sandoval Co.: 
Jemez Mts. San Miguel Co.: Las Vegas, Camp Luna, 11 June. Taos Co. 
UTAH: San Juan Co.: W. of Buckeye Res. (Montrose Co., Colo.), 28 June. 
County not given. Wildcat Ranger Sta., 15 mi. N. Boulder, 2 July. 


The distincta group of the genus Pardosa is composed of 
six species which are highly similar in color pattern, genitalia 
and habitat. The species are described, including Pardosa wero- 
phila Vogel, new, and the first description of the male of P. 
orophila. Distribution maps and collection records are given: 
and a key for separating adult specimens of this group. 

June 5, 1964 The distincta group of Pardosa 



Plate I—Figs. 5, 6, Pardosa distincta. 5. Epigynum, ventral 6. Epigynum, 


Figs. 7, 8. P. montgomeryi. 7. Epigynum, ventral. 8. Epigynum, 

Figs. 9, 10. P. orophila. 9. Epigynum, ventral. 10. Epigynum, 


Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 82 


IIl—Figs. 11, 12. Pardosa utahensis, 11. Epigynum, ventral. 12. 
Epigynum, dorsal. 
Figs. 13, 14. P. verophila. 13. Epigynum, ventral. 14, Epigynum, 
Figs. 15, 16. P. Yavapa. 15. Epigynum, ventral 16. Epigynum, 

June 5, 1964 The distincta group of Pardosa 

Plate III—Fig. 
Fig. ‘ 
Fig. : 

. Pardosa distineta, left palp of male, ventral. 

. P.montgomeryi, left palp of male, ventral, 
. P. orophila, left palp of male, ventral. 

. P, distincta, left palp, retrolateral. 

. P.imontgomeryi, left palp, retrolateral. 

. P. orophila, left palp, retrolateral, 

30 Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 82 


Plate IV—Fig. 23. Pardosa utahensis, left palp of male, ventral. 
Fig. 24. P.xverophila, left palp of male, ventral, 
Fig. 25. P. yavapa, left palp of male, ventral. 
Fig. 26. P, utahensis, left palp, retrolateral. 
Fig. 27. P.xerophila, left palp, retrolateral. 

Fig. 28. P. yavapa, left palp, retrolateral, 

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